$Id: index.html.en,v 2009/03/29 20:53:30 k-akashi Exp $
Hige extends rbnamazu, which is Ruby's search client of a full-text search system Namazu
Hige indexes documents' link to find document groups and document group heart (central) pages.
You need OptionParser ver.0.7 to use hige on command line. You also need html-parser and uri.rb to use makehige.rb.
Hige is an acronym of `Hyperlink Indexer and Group Engine.' The Japanese word `Hige' means `beard' in Japanese and it may be a symbol of Shinoda Laboratory.
Copy hige.rb and makehige.rb to your path directory.
First, use makehige.rb to make index. Then, use hige.rb to search.
hige is copyrighted free software by OHSHIMA Ryunosuke. You can use/redistribute/modify it under the terms of Namazu or Ruby.
OHSHIMA Ryunosuke ryu@jaist.ac.jp
hige libraries
hige = Hige.new(['/namazu/index1/', '/namazu/index2/']) puts hige.result('foo and (/bar/ or baz*) not {foo bar}') p hige.search('foo and (/bar/ or baz*) not "foo bar"', 20, 0)
index_list: Array of String which points hige index directories. options: Hash of Hige and/or Namazu option.
Search querystring matching documents. Return a result in String. If max and/or whence are given, return from whence to whence + max.
Search querystring matching documents. Return a result in Array. Each item is Hash ({'field name' -> 'field content'}). If max and/or whence are given, return from whence to whence + max.